Environmental & Management Solutions (EMS) Ltd are seeking new trustees to add to their current membership.
EMS Ltd is a registered charity that offers a range of services to communities and local businesses.
EMS Ltd is based in east Hull but cover; Hull, the East Riding of Yorkshire, North and North East Lincolnshire.
The core services are as follows:
Neighbourhood Management
Community Brokerage
Environmental Services
Health & Safety Advice
Trustee Role
Serve on the Board of Trustees (meets a maximum of eight times per year) and contribute to the running of the company, review and agree new and current procedures.
Provide technical input, advice and guidance on projects and act as a sounding board on potential issues.
For a Trustee Information Pack or if you have any questions/queries please contact Jan Boyd on 01482 709810 or jan@emsyorkshire.co.uk Company Website: www.emsyorkshire.co.uk