Warmer Homes, Better Lives

We work with families to provide and impartial energy and debt advice to vulnerable and low income households with the aim of reducing the impact of fuel poverty on their lives.

The advice on all energy and fuel debt related issues is tailored to suit the needs of each family and can include any or all of the following:

  • Understand fuel bills and paying for fuel
  • Choosing a central heating system and using it efficiently
  • The development of agreed budget plans to ensure that any outstanding balance is repaid at a rate the family can afford
  • Choose or change fuel suppliers
  • Option of joining You Switch a reverse utility auction (we are the East Hull Hub)
  • Information on setting up a direct debit
  • Top energy saving tips
  • Savings on water, electricity and gas usage
  • How to use price comparison websites
  • Use of home appliances
  • Energy health check
  • Signposting to partners for further help and support
  • Assess insulation requirements (draught proofing)

Debt is about much more than money. Being in debt can lead to a number of other emotional and psychological issues. Anxious feelings can arise with an array of triggers, such as constant worry about money, experiencing immense feelings of being overwhelmed with no end in sight, and hopelessness along with resentment, leading to marriage/family breakdowns.

By the end of our involvement families will show reduced levels of fuel poverty and feel more in control of their finances and will lead longer term to increased self confidence, aspirations and their ability to cope with their day to day finances without feeling anxious or unable to cope.

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EMS - Environmental & Management Solutions
Unit E, Preston Road Village Centre
Tel: 01482 709810
Email: info@emsyorkshire.co.uk
Registered Company Number: 6978334
Registered Charity Number: 1132419