Residents of Hull’s Longhill Ward are invited to come along to Green Prosperity Road-Show on Wednesday 17th April 2013.
The aim of the road-show is to visit residents in their neighbourhoods to explain about the Green Prosperity project.
Green Prosperity is a Big Lottery funded project comprising of the East Hull based organisations Environmental & Management Solutions (EMS) Ltd, Preston Road NDC Ltd, Probe (Hull) Ltd, Hull Warm Zone, Hull City Council, East Hull Community Farm, Hull College and the local community
On Wednesday 17th April the bus will visit the following locations within Longhill:
9:30am – 11:30am Greenwich Avenue Shops
12noon –2:15pm Longhill Link-Up
2:30pm – 4:30pm Thanet Primary School
Residents who visit the bus will be able to:
Plant up and take home a FREE Hanging Basket
Pick up FREE a Flush Saver from Yorkshire Water
Have their dogs micro-chipped for FREE by the Dog Warden Team
(10am-11.30am only)
Talk to representatives of Hull Warmzone to find out about FREE Green Deal
Assessments for their homes and FREE Loft & Cavity Wall insulation offers
Sign up for a FREE energy survey from EMS to help them reduce their energy bills & save money
Get FREE Advice on Growing their own Food & Reducing Waste
Meet local Housing Officers & the Neighbourhood Nuisance Team to discuss the issues affecting their neighbourhood
Sign up to volunteer for the Green Prosperity project
Find out about the development of community allotments in their area
Jan Boyd Chief Executive of EMS Ltd said “The road-show concept gives us the opportunity to go out and meet up with residents so they don’t even have to leave their street. The Humber Forum Environment Bus is an ideal vehicle for doing this with disabled access, lots of seating and a friendly welcome. I hope the residents of Southcoates come out to see us and take advantage of all the free resources on offer”.