November 23, 2015

EMS Ltd Volunteer Celebration Night a Huge Success

40 volunteers and their families attended the Green Prosperity Volunteer Celebration Event held at the Freedom Centre on Wednesday 18 November.

All of the volunteers hours were calculated from 1January 2015 to 31 October 2015 and they were presented with a certificate to show our appreciation for all the hard work they had undertaken during the last 10 months. One volunteer has committed a whopping 315 hours.

Green Prosperity is a Big Lottery funded project working with the residents of two wards in east Hull to reduce their carbon footprint with a range of projects including energy efficiency, green enterprise a eco-house and growing produce in residents gardens or at the East Hull Community Farm.

Jan Boyd, CEO of EMS Ltd who run the Green Prosperity said. “We are flabbergasted at the level of commitment and the number of hours that volunteers have put into the project. They have amassed over the last three years over 5,400 hours which is amazing and this event is a tribute to all their hard work.”

EMS - Environmental & Management Solutions
Unit E, Preston Road Village Centre
Tel: 01482 709810
Registered Company Number: 6978334
Registered Charity Number: 1132419