January 20, 2014


EMS Ltd who are the lead partner in the Big Lottery funded Green Prosperity project have been very busy visiting residents and providing them with energy monitors free of charge. Residents are also provided with practical advice and support on energy saving measures so they can reduce the amount of energy they use and save themselves some money.

Andy Rees the Volunteer Coordinator for the Green Prosperity Project has fitted the bulk of the monitors and said:  “I have come across a number of different meter box setups but fortunately all the monitors have been successfully installed and residents given a range of advice and support so they can really think about the amount of electricity they use in their homes.

I have also sat with a number of residents and looked an energy price comparison websites and some have saved over £250 a year, which is amazing.”

Residents who live in the Longhill or Southcoast East wards can call to arrange for a free monitor to be installed by call the Green Prosperity Offices on:  01482 710177

First energy monitor being installed at Craven Lea Community House

First energy monitor being installed at Craven Lea Community House

EMS - Environmental & Management Solutions
1 Endeavour Crescent, Hull, East Yorkshire
Tel: 01482 709810
Email: info@emsyorkshire.co.uk
Registered Company Number: 6978334
Registered Charity Number: 1132419