March 3, 2014

Greenshare 2014 order your ticket before it’s too late!

Hull & East Riding Greenshare 2nd Annual Conference Wednesday 19 March 2014, 10am-3.30pm at the Guildhall, Hull

***Just a few places left – register by Thursday 6 March 2014 to be guaranteed your place***

Have you booked your place for the Hull & East Riding Greenshare 2nd Annual Conference?

The conference is for any organisations, businesses or individuals with an interest in environmental issues in the broadest sense – all welcome.

Our guest speakers will be in attendance to discuss the following topics:

Simon Bowens, Friends of the Earth Yorkshire Region: Energy in the UK – what doe it mean for Hull and Yorkshire

Lisa Bovill, Hull Advice & Kate MacDonald, Hull and East Riding Timebank Alternative Exchange Mechanism

Joanna Bevan, City University New York: Community Resilience

Mick Marston, UK Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens

Joe Atkinson, Permaculture Association: Permaculture

Throughout the day we will be holding a variety of table discussions each with an environmental theme, you will be invited to choose which ones you would like to attend. 

Shown below are some of the options available, many more will also be available:

·       Inglehome: Transforming a typically inefficient Hull terrace into a cosy, low energy superhome with zero bills.

Community Resilience: What makes a resilient community and ask people to consider 7 elements identified in the ‘Rainbow of Resilience’ and how that relates to their own geographical community.  We will start to uncover what factors make up a strong community and it also a showcase of how to run a pop up mini focus group for community asset mapping.

Energy Estuary – Hull’s real role in the energy revolution:We will be discussing the state of UK energy policy including fracking, renewables, biomass and much more and the role of communities to lead the way in creating an affordable, secure and low carbon energy system fit for the challenges of the 21st Century.

There will be also the opportunity to take part in practical interactive sessions and networking opportunities.

To cover the cost of refreshments and a locally sourced buffet lunch there is a small charge for attending this event.

To see the sliding scale of delegate fees and to book your place, please go to the Eventbrite website via the link below.

We look forward to seeing you on 19th March.

All are welcome to attend ~ you do not have to be a member of the network.  Booking is essential.

If you have problems using eventbrite please contact Sharon on 613281 or Liz on 613451.

Green Share Poster 2014

EMS - Environmental & Management Solutions
1 Endeavour Crescent, Hull, East Yorkshire
Tel: 01482 709810
Registered Company Number: 6978334
Registered Charity Number: 1132419